
Blue Jacket's mission is to provide training and opportunities to anyone with a barrier who is striving to earn gainful employment. 

We envision that anyone with a barrier to employment will be restored with hope and provided capacity to obtain and retain employment because of Blue Jacket’s vast network and resources of support.

Who we Serve

Anyone over the age of 18 who speaks and understand English (for the time being) who is motivated to make it to Blue Jacket every day on time during the Career Academy process.  If this person possesses a lack of education or certificatoin, a criminal background, lack of home, or is not able-bodied but in all of these barriers, highly motivated, they will not be selected.  Blue Jacket is unable to serve those with severe disabilties but is positioned to serve adults with learning, developmental, and intellectual disabilties as well as most physical disabilities. 

Blue Jacket's Goals

To fill a gap in workforce services for anyone with a barrier by building confidence and independence. 

To provide transitional job opportunities and work toward 100% employment

To provide professional clothing to Blue Jacket students. 

Blue Jacket achieves these goals by the Career Academy, Blue Jacket Staffing, and operating social enteprises and hiring people in-house who require additional skill development.  The organization self-funds through earned income, fundraising events, and grants.

We help people see in themselves that, "I am Worthy!"


Blue Jacket, Inc. was incorporated in 2003 and launched in 2005 as an independent 501 (c) (3) nonprofit to address a critical need to provide training, employment and vocational direction to ex-offenders returning to the Greater Fort Wayne community.

In 2012, Blue Jacket expanded its mission to serve anyone considered to be a disadvantaged candidate to employment. Whether someone is in need of a first or even a second chance at employment, Blue Jacket will serve these individuals. 

About Shawnee Chief Blue Jacket

Blue Jacket, Inc. is named after Weyapiersenwah, or Chief Blue Jacket. One of the greatest Shawnee War Chiefs, Chief Blue Jacket was an intelligent, strong entrepreneur, a diplomat and one of the greatest Shawnee War Chiefs.

In 1791, Chief Blue Jacket fought on the banks of the Wabash River, delivering the worst defeat the U.S. Army ever suffered at the hands of Native Americans at what is known as the Battle of St. Clair. Alongside Chief Little Turtle, Chief Blue Jacket led the unified Shawnee, Miami, Delaware, Huron, and Potawatomi nations into what is now downtown Fort Wayne. He was ultimately defeated in 1794 by General Anthony Wayne at the Battle of Fallen Timbers, resulting in the end of organized Indian conflict east of the Mississippi River. "The Chief" Artwork and photo credit Artist A. Hudson