Adapted Career Academy

The Adapted Career Academy (ACA) is a three-week, 45-hour training program designed for individuals with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities. An ACA class is held every month. Successful completion of the Adapted Career Academy makes a student eligible for Blue Jacket Staffing. A variety of employment options are available depending on needs and preferences.

Objectives of the Adapted Career Academy include:

  • Self-Awareness – Explore key characteristics of personality, special interests, skills and obstacles
  • Research – Discover what types of jobs fit an individual’s personality, interests and skills
  • Getting the Job – Complete applications, build a resume, cover letter, include references and learn key skills to interviewing
  • Succeeding on the Job – How to overcome barriers, self-advocate for needs, discuss disability and accommodations, and an overview of available community resources

Program Requirements:

  • 18 years or older
  • No longer in school
  • Functional form of communication

Helpful Skills:

  • Time skills
  • Money skills
  • Calculation skills (addition and subtraction)
The Blue Jacket organization as a whole is phenomenal. This is the first group of people who really care about my well-being and who are willing to take the time to offer me the tools to better my life. I not only learned things about how to market myself as an employee, but I also learned about me as a person…I am so thankful that I was given the opportunity to attend Blue Jacket on a scholarship. Without the contributions of those who believe in the core of this program, I would not have been able to understand just how valuable the Career Academy really is. I cannot express enough of what this experience means to me.
Kevin | 2012 Career Academy Graduate