Blue Jacket Staffing

For Employers

It is the mission of Blue Jacket, Inc. to provide training and opportunities to anyone with a barrier who is striving to earn gainful employment. Our commitment and dedication to the mission does not end when an individual completes the Career Academy. Blue Jacket Staffing offers temporary or transitional jobs to graduates of the program.

Blue Jacket Staffing gives employers access to qualified candidates who are extremely motivated. Our goal for the candidate is to make an immediate and valuable impact on your business. We price compare to other staffing firms and balance the goal of providing the best service. Fees are not applied when employees transition from temporary to permanent. 


Our graduates may be employed on a temporary or provisional basis to make sure the fit is right for your business. It can save your company money if you have a high turnover rate. Businesses have 90-day, 180-day, or permanent placement options at the time employment is determined. 


If your needs are larger or seasonal, we offer transitional work crews for hire. Transitional work crews include changeovers for events and lawn/regular maintenance work. These opportunities give us a real world example of a candidate’s work ethic, character and motivation before we place an individual in a permanent role and gives employers a hard-working crew to get time sensitive work done faster and more efficiently.

I love Blue Jacket and everything they stand for. They gave me hope and a renewed faith in our society that had all but turned its back on me.
Natalie | 2014 Career Academy Graduate