What: 18 Holes of Golf, Lunch, and Awards Ceremony
Date: Friday, September 14th, 2012
8:00am Registration
8:30am Shotgun Start
Lunch immediately following
Donald Ross Golf Club
7102 South Calhoun Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46807
Pre-registration: $40/golfer or $150/foursome
Day-of: $50/golfer or $200/foursome
Prices include carts, green fees, and lunch.
Please respond to Brandy Wilson by September 7th, 2012
By phone: (260) 744-1900 / Via email: bwilson@bluejacketinc.org
Sponsor a hole for $150, which includes: hole signage, golf takeaways, and website recognition.
Mulligans (second chances) can be purchased for $5 each.
For only $20, take part in a $10,000 Hole-In-One Contest.
Prizes will also be awarded for: Longest Putt & Drive, Closest To Pin, and Craziest Golf Attire.
- 1st Place Team will win a total value of over $800 in prizes.
- 2nd Place Team will win a total value of over $600 in prizes.
- 3rd Place Team will win a total value of over $400 in prizes.
- 4th Place Team will win a total value of over $200 in prizes.
- 5th Place Team will win a total value of over $100 in prizes.
Visit our event page to register yourself, register your foursome, or sponsor a hole and pay via Pay Pal.