The following was covered by Inside Indiana Business, with Gerry Dick:
The head of a Fort Wayne nonprofit that helps ex-offenders return to the work force says the program's success is attracting attention from around the state. Blue Jacket Inc. Executive Director Tony Hudson says the intensive four-week program helps participants overcome employers' concerns about trust and credibility. He says businesses are coming to the organization looking for employees. Hudson tells Inside INdiana Business Host Gerry Dick the company has received "22 formal requests" to expand to other counties.
Hudson says the first two weeks of the program focus on helping participants become good job-seekers, while the second two weeks are designed to help them become a good employee. He says much of the work centers around soft skills such as professional dress and punctuality.
He says Blue Jacket was founded based on what he calls startling statistics. He says re-arrest drops 40% when someone has stable employment after release.
The organization may soon expand. Hudson says he has heard from people in multiple counties saying they would like to implement the program.