Blue Jacket, Inc. was featured as one of the options for the community for accessing nutritious, healthy foods. Thank you to Parkview for including Blue Jacket on the tour!
(link to the original WFFT Local video)
Community members from across the region gathered downtown to discuss the lack of access to healthy foods. The meeting was part of Parkview's Community Health Improvement initiative called EXPLORE, which challenges community leaders to understand the factors that contribute to a healthy community.
Highly populated, low income areas without a nearby supermarket or grocery store are called "food deserts." Transportation and financial obstacles can prevent these communities from accessing nutritious, healthy foods.
Participants in the EXPLORE event heard from Health Commissioner Dr. Deborah McMahan of the Fort Wayne-Allen County Department of Health as well as local individuals who live in food deserts.
An afternoon bus tour provided community members an up-close look at the local food gardens as one potential solution to "food deserts."